Whew! I haven't posted here in quite a while! So now would be a good time to post. :-) In my spare time--which I don't have that often--I continue to read Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X by Arron Hillegass. I have made it up to Chapter 15, but I have decided to go back a few chapters and review some of the stuff that I have learned so far. Why would I want to do that? I forget to easily. :-) Anyway, so as I have been reading this book, the author is taking me through the steps to creating a full-featured Mac application called RaiseMan (I know, weird name). This application keeps track of employees and the raise that they are to receive for the year. I have posted some pictures of it below. It may seem quite insignificant, as it is not that complex at all, but it has the ability to create, edit, and delete employees; undo and redo adds, edits, and deletes; save employees to a .rsmn file and load them from the same filetype; and change two preferences--background color and automatic new-document creation. So actually, it has many of the important features every document-based computer application should have. You know, I am only 14 years old, so the fact that I am actually reading and understanding my book and creating real Mac applications is so exciting to me. I can't wait to learn more (in my rare spare time, that is)!
Preferences panel and document window
Deleting employees
Multiple documents