Sunday, January 18, 2009

NXText NXC v2

Lately I have been working on NXText NXC v2, and all I can say is that it is going to be awesome! On the left is a little sneek-peek of what's coming in this next release. This is the list of text files on the NXT. As you can see, multiple files are selected! Yup, multiple-file-selection support is coming to NXText! There's even more new stuff that's equally exciting, but I'm not gonna' tell you what those other features are just quite yet. You'll have to wait to see what they are. I'm planning on releasing V2 when I get a few other things working right. Until then, NXTFreak

Friday, January 2, 2009

NXTasy problems?

I haven't been able to access at all today; the server must be having some issues. I really wish I could get on the site, because I want to check the BricxCC/NXC wishlist topic in the Software sub-forum. Are any of you guys having problems accessing NXTasy, or am I the only one? NXTFreak

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So lately I have been doing absolutely nothing related to the NXT (which is why I haven't been updating this blog).  :-(  Instead, I have been learning Objective-C using Stephen Kochan's book, Programming in Objective-C.  I wish that I could just know it all automatically, but unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  It's a long learning process instead.  Specifically, I am currently learning about categories, posing, and protocols.  After I finish this book, I am probably going to read Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X.  So there's a little update of what I have been doing recently.  What are you guys up to?  NXTFreak